Hello World.
My name is Corey Boyette. I am a Phoenix Based photographer. Although there is a lot more to me than that.
A little bit about me. I’m originally from Atlanta, Georgia. Many people don’t know this, but I first started experimenting with photography at the age of 12 with my trusty Pentax ME Super. Then, obviously, I was using film and paying to develop and print my work. I mostly loved to shoot flowers and nature at that time, but I had been bit by the photography bug.
Fast forward a few years, me an my family move to Phoenix, Arizona. There, while in high school, I learned to develop and print my own work using darkroom tools and all those wonderful chemicals. Needless to say, I could say I was dedicated to photography.
In 2005-ish I made the transition from film to digital, again, sticking with a Pentax K100D. At that point in time, I really started to experiment with different subject matters and I was also on a self discovery path for myself. I fell in love with shooting live events, and in particular, drag performances.
About 2008, I departed Phoenix to return to Atlanta. Shortly after moving back, I met my husband, Joe. We adopted a dog, got married and bought a house. But I was still lacking creativity in my life, so I decided to return to college in 2016.
Fast forward to 2018, I’m graduating with an Associates Degree in photography and I won (tied) best portfolio in my graduating class. I was ecstatic for the recognition and pumped to get started with my professional career in photography.